Although we have 2 distinct buildings to house our Lower School - LS (Preschool - 5th Grade) and our Middle/Upper School - MS/US (6th Grade - 12th Grade), Plumstead Christian School is ONE united school community! However, there are key differences between the school buildings that are intentional and age-appropriate. This allows PCS to make the experience of each PCS student at each age and stage of development the best that it can be!
Here are some examples:
Daily Schedule - The Middle/Upper School begins at 8:10am, while the Lower School begins at 8:20am. Both schools end at 3:00pm. Our transportation covers families with students at both schools and we run a morning and afternoon shuttle between the 2 school buildings as well! Lower School offers before care and after care options for working parents.
Academics - We honor God with excellence, and that is front and center in our academic program for all ages! Students in K-5 at the Lower School experience 'specials' outside of their core academics -- music, p.e., art, library, technology, S.T.E.M., health, and Latin for grades 3-5 -- once a week. 4th and 5th grade students are also encouraged to learn a musical instrument. Students at the Middle/Upper School have a 'block' schedule where they will have electives that support their core academics throughout the week - including band, handbells, choir, art, technology, gym and health. Due to the block schedule, students typically have each of their classes twice per week.
After School Activities - Athletics at the Middle/Upper School are offered by season (fall/winter/spring) forming teams for 6-8 grade students and 9-12 grade students. Our drama program also takes place after school from November - March. Most clubs meet at lunch or during the school day. The Lower School offers After School Clubs on a monthly basis and includes a variety of options including intramural sports, S.T.E.M./robotics, arts/crafts, games and more! The drama program at the Lower School also meets after school in the spring and is for 4th and 5th grade students.
Lockers - Students in the Middle/Upper School are assigned lockers for their use throughout the school day. To prepare our younger students, 5th graders at the Lower School have lockers as well!
Lunch - At the Middle/Upper School, students can use microwaves to heat lunch brought from home, buy snacks/drinks, and order lunch items on select mornings with cash (ex: pizza day, Chick-Fil-A day) Parents of Lower School students can use Hot Lunch Online to order items for their students on a monthly basis, or students can bring lunch from home. Students at the Lower School will also have daily recess.
Chapel - The Lower School begins the week with Chapel at 8:30am, and the Middle/Upper School has Chapel every Wednesday at 8:15am. All PCS students have Bible class/Bible time -- daily at the Lower School and based on each student schedule at the Middle/Upper School (twice per week).
Most importantly, ALL PCS students are being taught daily how to see God's world through a biblical lens and to shape a solid biblical worldview!